$30,000 GIVEAWAY

2222 Of The Best And Strongest DOGs On The Blockchain Ready To Attack

Each NFT is an algorithmically generated digital collectible of various properties on the energy-efficient Solana blockchain, we produced 2222 Canario dogs. Each with 8 possible variations and ready for the metaverse soon after launch designed by the founder Edward. TELEGRAM DISCORD TWITTER

A few of the vast amazing NFTs from our collection.

Our white list is available to join soon just a few days away!

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on”

Albert Einstein

We are building a play to earn metaverse for the Solana blockchain. The NFT you MINT will be available for your use in the metaverse and you will be able to upgrade your beastly dog


Edward is from the United Kingdom and has been trading for over 2 years. He is the founder and the designer of this project and the sole owner of UNIVERSAL TRADES


Mathew is a founder and has helped with design ideas and had been our social media advertisers and has moved our social media accounts to a new level of people.


Oliver is a founder and has helped with design ideas and had been our social media advertisers and has moved our social media accounts to a new level of people.


Patrick is a founders and has been helping Edward and other founders in the development process and is in charge of the discord. He is also the sole owner of MARKET ALERTS


William is also part of the team and plays a part in the social media too and is our main promoter in the twitter area. William is from Nigeria


Vfuture is our main SOLANA developer and has helped generate and creating the minting candy machine and is also helping airdrop tokens

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